Hello my name is Rhonda and I am an Independent Chocolatier (#17157) with Dove Chocolate Discoveries.
I am having a Dove Chocolate Discoveries mystery host party on my Facebook Page www.facebook.com/4loveandchocolate.
This virtual party is the same as a live party except you don't have to leave your house! There will be recipe and entertainment ideas and a game or two.
Now for the Mystery Host part. If you make a $20 purchase you will be entered into the mystery host drawing. That means when we reach a qualified party ($200) the winner will receive hostess benefits! E
very $10 spent after the $20 will receive another ticket into the drawing. The more tickets you have the better your chances of winning.
Wait, there's more... every order over $40 includes a free Rhonda McKnight book. If you've already read my work, remember a Rhonda McKnight book makes a great gift and I have a few other titles you can choose from.
Here's how to participate:
1. Follow this link to my personal Dove Chocolate Discoveries Website to view the amazing array of products DCD has to offer.
2. Make your selection and proceed to checkout
3. At checkout, click "yes, help me find my host"
4. Your host is Rhonda Nain
5. Make sure to ship to your house and not mine.
Join this event and share it with your family and friends by inviting them.
Please make sure to let me know you're participating in the Mystery Host Party by commenting here on the blog and include contact information or send me an email at rhondaloveschocolate@gmail.com
Shop for holiday gifts friends and family while supporting my new business. You won't regret it. Take it from a chocoholic...Dove's premium brand of chocolate is delicious.
Thank you for your support!